Motivation Song

Purpose | Justin Bieber

Lirik dan terjemah
Feeling like I'm breathing my last breath
Aku merasa seperti bernapas di napas terakhirku
Feeling like I'm walking my last steps
Aku merasa seperti berjalan di langkah terakhirku
Look at all of these tears I've wept
Lihat semua air mata ini, aku menangis
Look at all the promises that I've kept
Lihatlah semua janji yang telah kujaga

I put my heart into your hands
Aku letakan tanganku di tanganmu
Here's my soul to keep
Di sinah jiawaku terjaga
I let you in with all that I can
Aku membiarkanmu dengan semua yang aku bisa
You're not hard to reach
Kau tidak sulit untuk mencapainya
And you bless me with the best gift
Dan kau memberkatiku dengan hadiah yang terbaik
That I've ever known
Yang pernah aku tahu
You give me purpose
Kau berikan aku tujuan
Yeah, you've given me purpose
Ya, kau sudah berikanku tujuan

Thinking my journey's come to an end
Terpikir perjalananku berakhir
Sending out a farewell to my friends, forever peace
Mengirimkan perpisahan untuk teman-temanku, selamanya damai
Ask you to forgive me for my sins, oh would you please?
Memintamu untuk memaafkanku dosa-dosaku, oh maukah?
I'm more than grateful for the time we spent, my spirit's at ease
Aku sangat berterima kasih atas waktu yang tlah kita habiskan, semangatku ketentraman

I put my heart into your hands
Aku letakan tanganku di tanganmu
Here's my soul to keep
Di sinah jiawaku terjaga
I let you in with all that I can
Aku membiarkanmu dengan semua yang aku bisa
You're not hard to reach
Kau tidak sulit untuk mencapainya
And you bless me with the best gift
Dan kau memberkatiku dengan hadiah yang terbaik
That I've ever known
Yang pernah aku tahu
You give me purpose
Kau berikan aku tujuan
Yeah, you've given me purpose
Ya, kau sudah berikanku tujuan

Oh, you are my everything...
Oh, kaulah segalanya...
Oh, you are my everything...
Oh, kaulah segalanya...

I don't know if this is wrong
Aku tidak tahu apakah ini salah
Because someone else is telling me that it's wrong
Karena orang lain katkaan padaku kalau itu salah
But I feel this so let me just like, try my best not to let this happen again
Tapi aku merasakan ini , jadi biarkan aku seperti ini, mencoba yang terbaik untuk tidak membiarkan ini terjadi lagi
We weren't necessarily put in the best position to make the best decisions.
Kita tak perlu menempatkan di posisi terbaik untuk membuat keputusan terbaik.

For these were the cards that you were given so you have to understand that these, like...
Karena inilah kartu yang catatanmu sehingga kau harus memahami ini, seperti...
That's not who you are
Itu bukan dirimu
You're trying to be the best you can be but that's all you can do
Kau berusaha untuk menjadi yang terbaik yang kau bisa, tapi itu semua bisa kau lakukan
If you don't give it all you got, you're only cheating yourself
Jika kau tak memberikan semua yang kau punya, kau hanya menipu dirimu sendiri
Give it all you got
Berikan semua yang kau punya
But if it ends up happening, it ends up happening.
Tapi jika akhirnya terjadi, itu akhirnya terjadi.

That's what it's....that's what's happening with me
Itulah... itulah yang terjadi padaku
It's like God I'm giving it all I got, sometimes
Seperti Tuhan, aku memberikan semua yang aku punya, Terkadang
I'm weak and I'm gonna do it, and it's like I'm not giving myself grace
Aku lemah dan aku akan melakukannya, dan itu seperti aku tak memberikan diriku anugerah
I'm just like understanding, that's just how it is.
Aku hanya sepert tak mengerti, hanya cara itu.

Song Meaning : 

By the time we get to "Purpose," the actual purpose of this album (and of Bieber, and of the song itself) is muddled. Some lines like, "Ask you to forgive me for my sins, oh would you please?" harken back to the redemption theory, whereas the song as a whole is about how someone's love gives Bieber purpose. And that spoken word outro? It'll be interpreted in a melange of ways, but the crux of it is a sort of acceptance of the way things are. "It's like God, I'm giving it all I got, sometimes I'm weak and I'm gonna do it, and it's like I'm not giving myself grace, I'm just like understanding, that's just how it is," Bieber says. You do you, Biebs. You do you.

Justin Bieber's Purpose song tells about the explanation that Justin really needs Him. After going through his bad period and rediscovering his belief, he realizes he has been given the best gift: "Purpose". When Outro tracks he says that he is just a human and tries to do his best, but it's not always easy to make the right decision.

Ultimately, I can feel that that the majority of Bieber's "purpose" based on this album is to redeem himself, creatively, in the eyes of the public, and, yeah, with Selena Gomez, who he admits in several songs that he's done wrong by. However, there's also a vibe that also has a keen eye for a comeback. Look closely and the message isn't just "Sorry," it's also "Sorry, not sorry." Bieber has made his apologies on this album, but he also makes it clear that he's done making apologies. His purpose, from here on forward, seems to be to be his best self and sell more records than he ever has before. And I'm not mad about it. After all, this album is definitely his best work yet.


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