"Quality Education"


         Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education.

        Hi everyone! How is life? I hope everything is ok. This time, I will be showing you how I implement SDGs number 4 that is ‘quality education’. 

         I brought up this topic because I noticed that some people I know dropped out of school, and I feel this topic should be discussed. I noticed some people i know dropped out of school and the reason is they got married. I think their comprehension of education is still lacking. Another reason is usually because of cost constraints. For this problem, I hope the government can solve it so that people can get an equal education.


Observing dropout students. 


Preparation & Planning:

Carry out a seminar on the importance of studying. I will be telling them how studying is very important to our life.



1. Make an interesting poster that persuade people to study, and share it to my social media.

2. Hold counseling about the importance of learning. I explain that everyone must be studying for at least 12 years. The 12 years consist of elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school. 



Well, that is it!

 Through this post, I hope our awareness of education will be better.

I hope this will be useful for you! Please stay safe and don't forget to wash your hands! Thank you<3

Nova Adistya Ramadani, XII MIPA 2 / 27


  1. Sherina Ayu/12 Mipa 2/33
    A brilliant idea!, because there are so many children who drop out of school and the average is due to finances, but now public schools are free, at least we go to high school, when we don't go to college at least we can still find work with a high school diploma. I hope education in Indonesia is progressing.

  2. good idea many minors marry and leave school education even though we know that school education is important for the future
    Rizki Safrin Alfiah (29)

  3. Ayu Melda Sari (12) - Mipa 5'19
    Good topic novaa, I also feel that many children drop out of school especially during this pandemic, many children are struggling with costs so they decide to work or get married. I hope that the campaign you are doing makes children aware of the importance of education

    This is very interesting. Many young children drop out of school because of a broken home or not being cared for by their parents. And teenagers our age drop out of school to get married. They need seminars like you do or whatever it is that can help increase their motivation to learn and continue to pursue their education.

  5. Kristin Eka Rahmawati/18/XII MIPA 2
    that's a good thing. Some people still think that school doesn't take long as long as they can read and write, but that's wrong. at least one has to go to school for 12 years for better experience and knowledge for the sake of good quality education so that later the country will become better and more advanced, its generations must receive good quality education. although sometimes there are children who do not finish school well for financial reasons and others, but I hope that the quality of Indonesian education is getting better and there are no children who cannot finish their education again so that everyone can go to school comfortably

  6. Sa'diyahwati/12 MIPA 2/29
    Good job Nova. I totally agree with you, especially in the current pandemic conditions, many children drop out of school and choose to work or get married. they want to help the family's economy, because many parents have lost their jobs. By working and leaving school they feel they can ease the burden on their parents and help the family's economy. With what you do, hopefully it can increase children's awareness of the importance of education and motivate them to be enthusiastic about learning.

    Very interesting! I agree!
    In this current pandemic, I myself have seen and heard a lot out there, many children drop out of school because of family economic problems and family problems.
    Not only that, students choose to drop out of school to work so they can help their families. There are also those who choose to marry young to ease the burden on their parents.
    I hope that with what you are doing, hopefully it can motivate and increase children's awareness of the importance of education and keep the spirit to learn to achieve their goals.

  8. Dhini Rahma_09_XII MIPA 2

    Hi nova! The actions you took were very good, in Indonesia there are still many who underestimate school or even they go to school just to get a "certificate" even though there are a lot of non-academic lessons learned from school for future life. thank you, hopefully this good thing can awaken the younger generation of Indonesia to study for at least 12 years.

  9. DURROTUN (12) 12 MIPA 2
    Novaa that's a really good article and topic! I agree with you, many children wich student had a dropout, is that really sad and hurt to hear it :(. Education is very important for us, especially for every children who want be a next generation in the future. I hope with ur action, many people can understand about how very important the education and study. Keep ur do nova!

  10. Anastasya Diva Renata/03/XII-MIPA 1

    Yupp, I totally agree! The quality of education must be improved. The 12-year compulsory education programs based on Indonesia goverment rules is the basic step that must be taken to improve the quality of human resources. The higher of education level will influences the high quality of human resources.


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